Via API or SDK
Do you have developers onboard? Then you can quickly integrate our Python SDK or Rest API and get set up in minutes.
Consistently categorize transactions to uncover the bigger picture
Unlock customers insights from your customer's transactions. Take a look at how we can categorize both transactions and entities
Categories tailored to your users
Distinct categories for consumer and business transactions ensure they are always relevant for your users
Personalize our categories
Seamlessly integrate Ntropy into your current workflows by using rules and logic to adapt our categories to your existing ones.
Systematically categorize entities
Independently categorize transactions and entities. Assign entities a unique MCC whilst transactions involving that entity can have different categories depending on the context.
You can use our products via our API or through our intuitive UI dashboard depending on your needs. Your 14-day free trial with 2,000 transactions is just a click away.